Ever wondered as you make yourself a cup of tea in the morning how does the tea get in the teabag?
And for that matter how does it get in the box?
How is the box made? And printed?
This is just an example of the kind of technology you learn about at HMK. We work with all kinds of machines - robots, cranes, winches and printing presses to name just a few. We work in a wide range of industries: food and beverages, pharmaceutical and life sciences, nuclear, oil and gas, aerospace, entertainment and many more. So why not come and see if we are your cup of tea?
That's exactly what 11 graduates did yesterday when visiting HMK for our November Graduate open day. The candidates from a range of backgrounds, both electrical and mechanical took part in a series of tasks to hopefully secure one of a number of graduate positions available at HMK.
We are constantly on the lookout for the best talent, if you fancy a career in automation check out our current positions through our partner.
© HMK Automation Group Ltd 2025