With its cast hubs, the N-BIPEX allows greater freedom when designing the cam geometry, thereby laying the foundation for the innovative Curved Design. Compared to the milled cams typically available on the market, this design results in uniform loading of the elastomer compression bodies under all conditions and, in particular, prevents inward deformation of the cam ring due to load peaks that can cause greater wear. Hubs made of high-quality nodular cast iron allow the N-BIPEX to cope with high rotational speeds and critical bores.
N-BIPEX provides reserves that are considerably greater than those normally available on the market, thus achieving a significant reduction in wear.
The elastomers used in N-BIPEX are designed for peak performance. The specially optimized material allows it to achieve top values for the relevant criteria: compressive strength, abrasion resistance, dimensional stability and deformation capability. The relevant performance characteristics of the material remain stable over a very wide temperature range, allowing it to be used from -50 °C to +100 °C without limiting the nominal torque. For the end user, this means not only greater process reliability but also a saving potential with regards to the coupling size required.
Product benefits
N-BIPEX couplings are employed in many branches of the mechanical engineering industry. The main areas of application are well-aligned electric-motor drives with uniform torque loads, e.g. hydraulic applications or in combination with geared motors.
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